Y’all gotta forgive me. I haven’t kept up with the blog as much as I intended. But for those of you who have checked back and read my little rants, it’s greatly appreciated. With that said, let’s get to the topic:

I’M ON TOUR WITH MARK BATTLES! Alright, alright. I’m in support of my brother Larry Coleman 2020, which means I’m helping him with everything he needs to keep the tour going smoothly. As well as backing him up on stage, and even performing two of our songs together. But y’all ain’t taking this away from me lol

I’ve had people ask me why even do this. I don’t have my own slot and I’m not featured on any of the promotion. What’s the point? These questions are understandable, but they are so short sighted. First off, I’m having the time of my life! Plus, I’m on PTO from work, so I’m getting paid to do so. But more to the point, this experience is all about learning, growth, and CONNECTIONS. Going on tour with Larry last year was awesome because I was performing, I was promoted, but it was all handled by us so there was a lot more stress and less that we could actually do. With this tour, Mark is the man of the hour and all of the logistics and expenses have been his responsibility. That means that I can show up, help set up, then have the time to talk with promoters, venue owners, sound guys, bouncers, fans, etc… I’ve already learned so much that I can carry with me throughout my career. And watching Mark and his team move, and be able to pick their brain in real time is more valuable than gold. Mark is an independent LEGEND, who has built himself an extremely successful career in the lane that I want to drive. Seeing how his team operates it’s a lesson in its self. Asking him about this and that, actual things we are dealing with rather than hypotheticals, has given me insights I never would have gotten otherwise. I can’t thank Mark, and his team enough for letting me accompany them on this ride.

As I’m writing this, we are on the tail end of this journey. We have a down day, actually back home in Las Vegas, and I’m catching up on things. The last show will be a home town show for me, back in Denver. Larry was kind enough to give me my own song on his set, so I’m extra stoked. I couldn’t ask for a better friend and mentor in this game. 2024 was my biggest and most successful year, and 2025 is shaping up to be even bigger. This won’t be the last tour, you can bet that.

To everyone rocking with me, you’re truly appreciated . Whether new fans, or those who have stayed by my side for more than a decade, the message is the same. I promised I would never stop until I made my dreams reality. It may have taken longer than I thought, but I’ve loved every step of it, and wouldn’t change it for a thing.

Thank a lot guys. Love Life.


We did it boys!