New music?

Hell yeah brother! After a long and frustrating episode of not creating, or working on anything, I’ve been back in the lab and will be hitting the studio soon to record what I’ve been writing. The last epoch consisted of really trying to carve out a lane, a style, and a particular sound. Some could say that was successful, others might say it wasn’t. For me, and perhaps anticlimactically, I think it was a mixed bag. On the one hand, I feel that I was able to polish a style that could be marketed and pointed to as something that was mine. On the other hand, I was restricting myself creatively, and at the detriment of my abilities. I dropped three albums in my time in Vegas, but I probably wrote like five albums worth of stuff that never saw the light of day. And honestly, some of those tracks were ones that I was extremely proud of, but didn’t fit the style I was trying to cultivate. While there was nothing fake or not me that I put out(I stand by all of those tracks I dropped in Vegas), there was a lot tracks that were simply shelved, and that kinda feels like hiding one of your kids because you think the neighbors won’t like them. That’s not something that I want to do anymore.

So what comes next? Very soon, I will be breaking up my releases into two categories. My hip hop tracks, and even hip hop adjacent pop tracks will be released as normal on all platforms under Truth. The streaming pages will all stay the same, no need to track me down if that’s what you’re looking for. Third party sites and everything will be found under Truth303. But in addition to that, to give myself another outlet that doesn’t muddy the waters of what I’m doing as Truth, I will be creating secondary profiles and pages under Tony Chavez. There I will release all of my more experimental or genre-breaking tracks. I’ve got straight pop songs, reggae songs, rock songs, country songs, EDM songs, and songs that I fucks with heavily, but don’t really sound like Truth songs. I don’t want to alienate, or put off people who have come to find and appreciate me for hip hop. Nor do I want to limit myself, my creativity, or my expression. Some people may enjoy the duality of this, others may not, but this gives people the option to follow one, the other, or both without having to bear what they do not want. Believe me, this has been born out of experience. I can’t tell you the amount of times I played one of my left field tracks for a hip hop head and they were like, “yo, wtf is ths?” Or conversely, people heard one of my other tracks first and then found out I rap and thought that was something I wasn’t about. Like I was faking the funk. This is me. Expression is paramount to the creative process, and I don’t want to run this race with blinders on.

So to those who are still here, thank you. To the ones who are here for the first time, welcome. I’ll ask the same thing I’ve been asking new listeners since I first started making music back in 2005. If you don’t like one track, check out another. You’ll find something you like if you give it a chance, I promise that.

Love Life - Truth


New Music!
