New Music!

You know it goes. You have detailed plans that you intend to stick to a T. Fast forward a few weeks or months and things definitely didn’t go down the route that you intended. But that doesn’t mean that things aren’t going well. Excellent even! Clearly I had intended to make this website and blog a larger priority and that hasn’t necessarily happened. If you’re reading this then you are here at the right time. It had been a while since my last update, but there’s no time like the present.

Things are going amazing, and really coming along! The return to Las Vegas has gone pretty much like I was hoping and I hit the ground running for the most part. I’ve dropped a few tracks since I’ve been here and even had a show. I was blessed to open in support of my brother Larry Coleman 2020 for his Hunger Games 3 record release party. The lineup was incredible, everyone really killed their sets, which made me super proud to be a part of that night. Made some new friends and connections and there’s even some bigger news coming down the pipe. But that will be in due time and will definitely get it’s own post.

So new music indeed! Check out my latest track “One Day” which dropped today. Just 7 days ago, I dropped “Too Cold”. I even dropped a Tony Chavez Experiment track for Valentine’s Day. Next week I’ll be dropping another track, so don’t forget to follow so you can stay up to speed. The resolution this year was do more and and so far so good. Might not have gone the way I planned, but the blessing is in the journey not the destination.

Love Life.


We did it boys!


New music?